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There are 49 results.

Training (Morocco) "Customs Special Procedures"
Choose and implement customs special procedures that suit your needs and optimize your costs.
International Customs & Tax Engineering Training Datadock 0029009
Training (Morocco) "Import / Export in Free Trade Zones"
Gain proficiency in operations to and from Moroccan free trade zones (FTZ).
International Customs & Tax Engineering Training Datadock 0029009
Training (Morocco) "Import customs clearance circuits"
Focus on "release for consumption" by mode of transport.
International Customs & Tax Engineering Training
Training (Morocco) "International payment methods"
Understand the different payment techniques for import/export and how to use the letter of credit.
Global Supply Chain Training Datadock 0029009
Training (Morocco) "International Sourcing"
From buyer to international sourcing officer
Global Supply Chain Training Datadock 0029009
Training (Morocco) "Organize and manage international transport"
Prepare and organize international logistics flows - master each step in the international transport process.
International Transport, Logistics & Distribution Training Datadock 0029009
Training (Morocco) "Rules of origin"
Determine the origin of your products and use preferential customs agreements.
International Customs & Tax Engineering Training Datadock 0029009
Training (Morocco) "Secure International Purchasing Contracts"
Master purchasing tools which structure your needs and secure your supplier contracts.
Global Supply Chain Training Datadock 0029009
Training (Morocco) "The exporter's checklist"
From theory to practice : the step-by-step method for successful export operations !
International Transport, Logistics & Distribution Training Datadock 0029009